It is an app for radio shows, broadcasting and music streaming.
Through Stationhead, you can stream SB19's music directly from your Apple Music and Spotify accounts while tuning in or 'listening'.
✔ 100 Listeners with connected account = 100 Streams
Every play counts as a stream once synced with your Apple Music or Spotify. For every listener, it will generate a stream. For example, if the station has 100 listeners, it will generate 100 streams for that track.✔ Less hassle
You don't have to choose which songs or playlists to use as fillers because the 'host' will be the one in charge! Just connect your account and leave it as it stream. You can also multitask and leave it on the background.✔ It is fun!
Interact with your fellow ATIN (and casual listeners) that are tuned in through the chat function and request songs you love. You can also share stories and be a co-host of the program!✔Recognized by Billboards
The streams are handled by the music service you have chosen, thus streams are counted towards Billboard Charts!
Before diving in, here's what you need to get started:
✔ Laptop, PC, mobile phone, tablet, etc.
✔ Internet connection - wifi or data (recommended to perform a speed test as the app needs a stable connection)
✔ Spotify or Apple Premium account/s (Unfortunately, free accounts can't be connected, but you may explore free trial in your area or join ATIN giveaways)
Let's start streaming! Click the boxes below for more info.
2022 ┃ SB19 Spotify Team
Please DO NOT copy, reproduce, create derivative works, transmit, or in any way exploit any content on this site without permission.
For corrections, questions, etc, you can reach out to us on our socials below:

1. Open your browser and paste the station link (stationhead.live/*name of the station or check STATIONS section )2. Connect your music (Apple Music or Spotify)3. Log in using your Stationhead account to participate in the chat! (Optional)
⭐ TIP: Use multiple browsers and devices, if you are able, to maximize streaming. Make sure to connect a unique account per browser.
Shazam Browser Extension is now available on Chrome Browsers

—> Stationhead streamers who are using a laptop/pc are highly encouraged to use Chrome and add the Shazam extension—> One shazam per song, per day can do wonders to SB19’s shazam stats
• Go to your STATIONHEAD tab/window• Click the SHAZAM icon & wait for it to recognize the song• Shazam all SB19 songs every 24hrs• On the next day before you shazam, click the icon & "Delete All" button• You may clear Chrome's cache & cookies (NOTE: history, cache, login details, etc. will be deleted if you do so)• Close all Chrome browsers for clearing to take effect, then relaunch it_For more info about Shazam, please visit @Shazam__SB19 on twitter.
See video above1. Open your mobile browser and paste the station link (stationhead.live/*name of the station or check STATIONS section )2. Connect your music (Apple Music or Spotify)
See video above1. Open your mobile browser and paste the station link2. Connect your music3. Click the 3 vertical dots located at the top right corner of your browser4. Tick "Desktop Site"5. Log in your Stationhead account to gain chat function
MYTH: You are required to log in to your Stationhead account to chat, and always see your icon on the listener's list.FACT: Your streams are counted as long as you hear the music playing & observing proper streaming.
⭐ TIP: While streaming, please like all SB19 tracks as much as you can. The icon beside the comment box is there to add fun as you interact with other listeners. Also, by tapping it you're like telling the host/dj that you like the music & you're having fun!
** By logging in to your Stationhead account when you tune in to a station, you help the station gain registered listeners & that helps them rise above the WEEKLY LEADERBOARD.

1. Download Stationhead from the AppStore or PlayStore and create / log in using your Stationhead account. (See steps on how to create a Stationhead account below)2. Connect your music (Apple Music or Spotify).4. Search for the station. Follow the station so you'll be notified once on-air.5. Join the station as a listener. You're done! Have fun interacting with your fellow A'TIN and request songs that you love.
⭐ TIP: Some casual listeners may sometimes stream on STATIONHEAD; let's welcome them and promote SB19. It is also encouraged to support fandom collaborations as it brings in more unique listeners for SB19!
How to create an account?1. Download the app and open StationHead.
— iOS :: https://stationhead.page.link/stationhead-ios
— Android :: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.stationhead.app
2. Once opened, click 'Get Started' to sign up.
3. Choose a username.
4. Once prompted, connect your Spotify Premium / Apple Music account.5. Read the Terms and Conditions and select Agree.
6. Search for the station host or click the shared station link (see Stations)

♪ Music only - is when the host or DJ is playing a song. Streams are counted as long as you are connected using your Apple Music / Spotify premium and following other guidelines such as Dos and Donts.💬Talk only - is when the DJs talk as part of the program, collaboration, or the like. No streams are counted during these times.♪ Talk + Music - is when the music serves as background music for DJs while talking. Streams should be counted as long as you are connected using your music service and following other guidelines.
How to search stations that are off-air. Please note that off-air streams are still counted.

2022 ┃ SB19 Spotify Team
Please DO NOT copy, reproduce, create derivative works, transmit, or in any way exploit any content on this site without permission.
For corrections, questions, etc, you can reach out to us on our socials below:
Question: Will the free version of Spotify / Apple Music work?
A: Unfortunately, NO. You will need a Spotify or an Apple Music Premium subscription to listen to and play music. Apple Music and Spotify offer free trials for new users, please check what is available in your area or join giveaways.
Question: Do my streams on Stationhead really count?
A: All music streams come directly from your Apple Music and Spotify accounts, every play counts as a stream. That means, the streams are handled directly by the music service. Thus, users need to link their premium Spotify or Apple Music accounts in order to listen to music and have it added to streaming totals for those services.
Question: How many streams get filtered through Stationhead?
A: Stationhead does not filter any plays; when you are on Stationhead, you are connecting to your account on your chosen music service. Thus, the streams are handled by the music service and they are the ones who can possibly filter the streams.
Question: How should I check my streams?
A: Open your Spotify account using the Spotify app; check the 'Recently Played' songs at the top right part to check the streams from STATIONHEAD. Please note that it might take a while before the recent stream appears. You may also use 3rd party tracking sites/apps to track your streams such as Renaissance, StatsforSpotify, LastFM and others. Click here for more details.
Question: I am not hearing anything...
A: Confirm that your streaming service is correctly connected and with a premium subscription. If you still cannot hear music, see next question.
Question: What should I do if I am not hearing anything even though my Spotify / Apple Music is already connected?
A: ➡ It sometimes depends on the premium you're using. So if other listeners have the same concern, then most likely the song is not available on Spotify. Thus, the song would either not play (you won't hear anything), or you'll hear a different one. Same goes for Apple Music. **You can also go to another station to check if you'll hear music playing.➡ If the above isn't the case, it could be an internet or app issue➡ Mute/unmute the app by pressing the volume button found on the upper right corner of the app➡If it didn't work, clear cache , then relaunch the app➡ Same issue? Clear the app's storage data, then log in again. Ensure you have your Stationhead & premium logins ready before clearing data
➡ Still nothing? Check for pending app updates. You might need to restart your device after downloading those➡ If all else fails, uninstall >> reinstall➡ However, if reinstalling the app didn't resolve the problem, then it's most likely a glitch. Tilt or slightly shake your phone; a window where you can report the issue will appear.
Question: Why am I seeing "Guest" instead of SH username/name?
A: These are Listeners that are :➡not logged in using their Stationhead account but connected on their Apple Music / Spotify account using their browser/ mobile browser . Streams are counted as long as your music service is connected and you are following the guidelines (see Guide section)➡Not logged in both using their Stationhead account and Apple Music/Spotify but tuned into the station or using the stationhead link. Streams are not counted as your music service is not connected yet (see Guide section how to stream)
Question: While tuned in, what situation are the streams counted?
♪ Music only - is when the host or DJ is playing a song. Streams are counted as long as you are connected using your Apple Music / Spotify premium and following other guidelines such as Dos and Donts.💬Talk only - is when the DJs talk as part of the program, collaboration, or the like. No streams are counted during these times.♪ Talk + Music - is when the music serves as background music for DJs while talking. Streams should be counted as long as you are connected using your music service and following other guidelines.
Question: Can I use the same premium on different SH accounts?
A: You can, but not at the same time. For example, you would like to use another Stationhead account with the same premium, you can link it to another Stationhead account but do not use them at the same time. Using one premium on both or multiple Stationhead accounts at the same time will most likely cause the streams to be filtered out.
Question: I don’t see the Stationhead songs in my Spotify history.
A: You may not see these instantly; however, they will show up on your listening history. If in case, that you are not seeing it, try to rest and reconnect your Spotify account. If still not seeing any, try to stream on Spotify app directly to compare results.
Question: Can I stream on Spotify / Apple Music app at the same time while listening on STATIONHEAD?
Question: Can I use the same Stationhead account + same Spotify/Apple premium on 2 different devices, like mobile and pc, while listening to only one station?
A: Yes, you can but the streams will be most likely counted as one.
Question: Can I use the same SH account + same Spotify/Apple premium on 2 different devices, like mobile and pc, while listening to 2 different stations?
A: Since you are using only one premium account, it is not recommended to do so. Your streams will be most likely filtered out.
Question: Why am I hearing a different song compared to other listeners?
A: There are few possibilities why:• The song is not available on Spotify and released on Apple Music or vice versa
• You have a different time zone and is either hearing advanced or late
• Due to unstable internet connection (recommended to reconnect)
Question: How can I request songs?
A: Please watch short video below (currently not available on PC)
Question: How about on YouTube, Deezer and other platforms? Can I stream at the same time while listening on STATIONHEAD?
A: With STATIONHEAD's latest update, this is not applicable when using a mobile phone. If you are streaming on STATIONHEAD using your phone, once any video or music is played from any other source (YT, Spotify, Twitter videos, TikTok or other platforms), SH will be automatically muted. On the other hand, you may stream simultaneously if you are using a PC. Please note that you must follow other platforms' guidelines and best practices.
Question: Why can't I use my Apple Music account on my Android device?
A: Currently, Spotify is the only streaming service supported on Android for STATIONHEAD. Spotify offers free trials for new users on their website.
Question: How does the leaderboard work?
A: Stations are ranked by the number of registered users that tuned-in during the previous week. To get your favorite station to the top spot, register a profile on Stationhead and make sure you are logged in next time you listen.
Question: How can I change my profile picture on Stationhead?
A: Tap your profile pic to go to your station and tap it again to customize your avatar.
Question: How to change my username?
A: Send an email to Stationhead support - [email protected]. Alternatively, you may create another account.
Question: How do they report to Billboard or other services?
A: The streams are handled directly through your chosen streaming service.
Q: My question isn't listed here, what should I do?
A: Send a message to SB19 Spotify Team on twitter - @sb19_spotify and we'll do our best to help or send an email to Stationhead support - [email protected].
2022 ┃ SB19 Spotify Team
Please DO NOT copy, reproduce, create derivative works, transmit, or in any way exploit any content on this site without permission.
For corrections, questions, etc, you can reach out to us on our socials below:
sb19station (SB19 unified station)
SB19 Independent Stations
tofelipwithlove (FELIP focus)
Search for their station name (@SB19..) or go to stationhead.com/*name of station (ex: stationhead.com/atin)
⭐ TIP: Follow each SB19 station so you'll be notified when they go on-air. It is recommended to finish the song being played before switching to another station or when you would like to exit the app.
For new addition to this list, kindly send us a DM at @sb19_spotify. Thank you!
2022 ┃ SB19 Spotify Team
Please DO NOT copy, reproduce, create derivative works, transmit, or in any way exploit any content on this site without permission.
For corrections, questions, etc, you can reach out to us on our socials below: